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Is it a girl or a boy?

By May 24, 20102 Comments

Are you having a girl or a boy? That’s the question I’m asked almost daily. Honestly, I’ve known since June of last year that I would have a girl first. How, you ask? During my fertility massage training, we were instructed to use visualization during the massage. We were taught to teach our clients to think about babies and to invite the baby spirits into their lives. This might sound like “woowoo” stuff to you, but I think there’s really something to it. How many times a day do you think “I don’t want blank to happen” and then it happens? It’s because you keep thinking about it! That’s the law of attraction, but that’s another blog entry!

I was getting my practice fertility massage and really tried to clear my mind. A vision of a little girl came to me and then there was a younger boy hiding behind the little girl. That image has never left me! Since then, I took a prenatal massage class in December. The class was taught by the same instructor, a massage therapist who also happens to be an astrologist. I’ve never had a reading done, but one night during conversation she told me that she sees me having a girl first. So that’s two predictions even before I was pregnant! The last predictions happened last week after I got my fantastic two hour facial given by my friend Mickie at Creative Health. After my facial I started chatting with the acupuncturist and Iridologist. They were just asking about the pregnancy. The acupuncturist asked if I knew what the gender of our baby was…of course the answer was no. So she held my wrists and said, “you’re having a girl”. That’s three predictions so far and I can honestly say I’ve just known all along we are having a girl. We have two and half more weeks before we find out and I just can’t wait, for the confirmation that is!

My husband Justin thinks it’s a boy of course, but I think most men wish for their first child to be a boy! Of course he’ll love a girl just the same. So my question to you all is this: How many of you felt that you were having either a boy or girl and had confirmation either at the ultrasound or birth? Is it our intuition that tells us what the gender of our baby is? I don’t know.

I hope all is well in your world!


  • Amber says:

    I just knew we were having a girl. In fact, my husband even knew it although he never voiced it-he kind of wanted a boy first as well. Even as a testament to how much we ‘knew’ we were right, we had a girls name picked out before the ultrasound but no boys name.

    I will make an appt soon-going through some awesome life changes right now so will have much to share!

    Good luck and take care!

  • Justin says:

    It’s odd to think they’re all predicting the sex of the kid. Even more odd if they’re right. Of course, I’m happy either way 😀

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