Last October I started having some trouble with acne. I went to a dermatologist and was very disappointed with the visit. The Doctor never looked at my skin or asked me questions about my diet or lifestyle. I already knew that those factors would have an effect on my skin. He immediately wrote a prescription for antibiotics and gave me a topical ointment to try. This specific antibiotic causes depression and birth defects. Why would I want to do this to myself? The day after this appointment I went to Creative Health and spoke with Terry Hall-Hines. She told me that I definitely should not take antibiotics to treat acne. She recommended that I read the Clear Skin Diet by Alan C. Logan and Valori Treloar, MD. This book was full of information about how your diet affects your skin. She also gave me an herb call Skin Detox. Terry also told me that my diet would effect my skin. Most of you know me and know that I am fairly healthy. I didn’t believe that I had to change my diet that much!
Soon after my appointment with Terry, I remembered that she had an esthetician that worked for her. I made an appointment with Micki Grist for a facial. Micki was full of information about diet, acne and using all natural products on my skin. She also educated me about products out there that have parabens in the ingredients. You may wonder, what are parabens? Parabens are used as a preservative in cosmetics. Parabens have estrogen in them, which has been linked to breast cancer. Micki uses paraben-free skin care products. The line she uses at Creative Health is called Naturopathica. I really liked this line, however I have had better luck with another all natural line called Arcona. I have seen a major difference in my skin since I started using those products.
I feel really good about using all natural products on my skin. Yes, it’s a little pricey, however, I believe it’s worth the cost. In addition to using all natural products, I’ve also been monitoring what I put in my mouth. I’ve switched to organic chicken and am amazed by how much better it tastes! I also make sure that the fish I buy is wild and not farmed. Sometimes it is a little more difficult to find wild fish. The salmon at Costco is really good. Costco also sells hormone-free chicken in bulk. I love this!! Using all natural products, eating fresh produce and organic meat has really made a difference in my skin!
Micki has facial specials going on until October 15 at Creative Health. Give her a try! I give her two thumbs up!